

  • 直覺

    不用眼 不以心 不分前後左右
    似乎 毛細孔裡有能見度
    跨越距離 超空間
    來源不詳 瞬時把握
    寤寐中 像微浪在眼前傳來
    也有夥伴 偶然於他我之中都接到相似氣息
    不分男女老少 微醉微醒時 最是
    飛鳥走獸 奇禽 都嗅得著
    追夢者總期待 夜裡自來真知真諦
    水晶球 魔法師都倚著它 努力作朋友

  • Intuition

    No need to use your eyes or heart, don’t even need to know the directions,
    Somehow, there’s visibility in the capillary.
    Across the distance and beyond spaces,
    Unknown resources, seize the instant moments,
    It came like waves during sleep,
    Some others also receive the similar feels,
    Especially when you’re half-drunk half-awake.
    All of the animals, they all feel it,
    It is also what dream chaser has been looking forward to,
    Delivering true essence at night,
    The crystal ball and the sorcerer all depends on it,
    And so they befriend it.

  • 品味

    嗅一口氣質 嚐 兩句風格 不是錢糧
    選一家餐廳 找個座 看看桌面簡約潔淨否
    一起乘車 看他駕駛 車上放了什音樂 何電台
    後視鏡上的裝飾 車裡味道在嘴角
    話說半小時 幾句話不打心裡出來
    相信良心這回事 弄清伏爾泰幹了哪椿
    晚上 九時後 大腦可還能用

  • The Taste

    Feeling the temperament, tasting the style with words, not wealth
    Pick a restaurant, get a seat, see if the tables are clean and simple
    Sharing a ride, watch her drive, what’s playing in the car or which radio it was on
    The decorations on the rearview mirror, the taste inside the car is still in my mouth
    About half an hour, no words came our sincere
    Believing there’s conscience, trying to see what exactly Voltaire has done
    In the evening, after nine, the brain seems to be functioning
    Answering your 24-hour will help stabilize the emotion

  • 隔岸觀火

    站在河的這岸 看那岸烽火連天
    觀火人喜形於色 火苗的點燃 顯然在 觀看者的袖中
    立於高山 看山谷 群馬互踹
    高山客 必非愛馬人 且更愛群馬自相殘殺
    又 無好生之德
    羽扇綸巾 端七弦琴 於黃鶴樓上 順著琴音
    黃鶴樓邊 江船自翻無數
    文質彬彬彈琴客 既好琴音 又好江客的船翻
    琴音 沒有 救援江客
    市場邊上 城隍廟口 熱騰騰的米粉 一碗碗被虔誠的信徒捧著
    才到嘴邊 廟裡的遊客 先大喊 熱呼
    隔岸 隔山 隔樓 隔廟 隔爐 隔碗 隔盤
    並且 密謀點火

  • Watch a Fire from the Other Side of the River

    Standing on this side of the river, watching the opposite side burning
    The one who watches liked it a lot, it is obvious that the flame started it all was in his sleeves
    Standing on a mountain, watching horses kicking each other in the valley
    The guy on the mountain must not love horses, loves to see an internecine between them
    Nor does he love life
    With a feather fan and black silk hat, playing a lyre, on the Yellow Crane Tower, along with the melody
    Countless boats capsized beside the Yellow Crane Tower
    The gentle lyre player, like the melody and the capsize
    But the melody did not save the passengers
    Beside the market, by the Cheng Huang Temple’s gate
    Bowls of hot rice noodle was carried by the followers
    Just upon sending them into their mouth, the tourist in the temple yelled,
    Separated by the river, the mountain, the tower, the temple, the stove, the bowl, the plate
    There’s always someone watching the fire
    And planning on to ignite one

  • 溫柔鄉

    溫柔是一種滋味 更是一種嚮往 也是眷念 和期待
    森林中打獵的戰士 日裡 夜裡 在險中求勝
    受傷的 是表皮 卻只有 溫柔 才能療育它
    溫柔鄉裡 開張著 獨家的藥房
    溫柔鄉的 老闆 更擁有 獨一無二的 配方
    每一個戰士 鄉里的老闆 都會為他 調製一帖
    特別來追尋的 秘密氣味藥方
    沒有人偷的走 別處也配不出
    溫柔鄉為英雄戰士 所製造的芳香

  • The Sweet Tender Home

    Tenderness is a kind of taste, wistfulness,
    a kind of yearn and expectation
    Warriors in the forest, day and night, fighting for triumph
    It seems like it is the flesh that was hurt,
    but only sweet tenderness can heal
    The sweet tender home, it is opened with exclusive pharmacy
    The sweet tender home, the owner owns a special formula
    For every warrior, the owner will modulate medicines for them
    Some came, just to seek the secret scent remedy
    That no one else could steal or copy
    The scent that sweet tender home has made for the warrior

  • 名人專家 歐崇敬


  • 經歷


